ISSUE 114                                                                                                    July 12th, 2004


In this issue: Life in the Spirit seminar for married couples in Hungary


Laszlo Gorove, permanent deacon, chairman of the Hungarian Catholic Charismatic National Service Committee and member of the European sub-committee of ICCRS wrote:

'we had the Life in the Holy Spirit seminar for married couples. It was very good, the Holy Spirit made real miracles!'

This may be a new idea to others, so I asked for a report. The report below was written by one of the participants.




Spiritual Meeting of the Community of Families in Jesus


The Hungarian Community of The Mother-Community of Families with Jesusformed by Franz Adolf and Angelika Kleinrahm in Heiligenbrunn, Germany –, had its Annual Spiritual Meeting in Érd, Hungary from 26 to 29 February, 2004. The Hungarian Community has been led by László and Kriszta Gorove since 2000.


             Almost all member couples of the Hungarian Community gathered for the Meeting this year, we were missing only the people, who were abroad at this time. Amongst the 11 regular members three further visiting couples were invited, who are in closer relation with the Community, and take part regularly of our programmes.


The spiritual meeting was held and moderated by László and Kriszta, who has been preparing for this meeting for about three years. The leading topics were the sacraments, prayer, charismas and belief. We learned, how can the sacraments link us, „branches” to the „true vine”, enhance our relationship with the Father, who is the „vine-grower” and make us suitable to bear good fruits.



The sacraments, we heard detailed teachings about were: baptism, confirmation, confession, eucharism and marriage. We were taught that baptism is the seed that was sowed into us either in childhood or adulthood. We got rid of the old person and put on the new one. Catez St Elisabeth, a nun fell on her knee in front of the newly baptised people, as „God is the most present in the baptised ones!”

Via confirmation the Holy Spirit, „the fire” moves into us, that was brought by    Jesus, resulting even division. (Jn.12, 49-53.) We should never forget that through baptism and confirmation our bodies become the Sanctuary of the Holy Spirit. Therefore we ought to think about, how are we thinking of each other, how do we speak of each other! As a result of this teaching some of us, who had anger in their hart toward someone, made peace in front of Jesus and the Spirit.



We heard, that confession is the healing of the vine, the „removal of the branches that bear no fruit” (Jn. 15,1-4.). Confession is healing, confession is renewal. Jesus calls the sinners and forgives their sins. This should be one main task of the priests: to forgive the sins in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. A great example for this service is St John of Vianney who was famous soldier of God in absolving people.

Eucharism is the ever greatest miracle. People, saints tried to understand it – unsuccessfully. God becomes touchable reality in the mass – in no understandable way. “I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of the loaves”. (Jn. 6, 26.)



Marriage is the sacrament that has a special task: Wife can express to her husband and husband to his wife thorough their love to each other how wonderful is the love of God towards us. Additionally they can show this together to their children! In our marriage we need to help each other to become the person that answers God’s plan.

The power of prayer and charismas was experienced by the participants during the last evening, when we prayed together for our own and the other’s marriage. This was the peak, the apex of the whole meeting. Most of us experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit as the words of the prayers were given onto our mouths. Some of the gifted brothers and sisters were praying in languages, as the Spirit led them. During this prayer we repeated our promises to our wives and wives to their husbands and became stronger in the sacrament of marriage, as one of the main purpose for the members of the community to consider and live our marriages as sacrament, according to God’s Mighty plan.

Many thanks for the organisers, for their hard work and for their service that made them able to become true messengers of God’s grace and love. We seek for God’s grace on our life and work, too.  



A participant


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